Lucas Transmission Fix stops slip, hesitation and rough shifting in worn transmissions and completely eliminates most seal leaks. An excellent preventative maintenance product. Use also in light duty manual transmissions to increase shifting ease and transmission life.
- Contains no solvents
- Lowers operating temperatures and stops foaming
- Can be added to existing fluid without draining any out
- Effective in an extremely high percentage of cases
Lucas Transmission Fix has a polymetric film which renews worn bands to stop slipping. It cleans and lubricates sticking valves for proper shifting and controls heat and foaming. This product will extend fluid life up to three times longer. It completely stops most seal leaks and results are usually immediate. It is the perfect preventative maintenance product to stop initial wear in newer transmissions, and is a must for motor homes, towing vehicles and all other hard working transmissions. Compatible with all transmission fluids. Will not void new car warranties and contains no harmful solvents.